器件名称: W6630CR
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简 介:W6630CR
The W6630CR is a stereo audio DAC chip incorporating 8X digital interpolatioin filters, 64X multi-level oversampling delta-sigma modulators, analog low-pass filter and output amplifiers. The 16 or 18 Bit linear input data for DAC consists of two formats, normal format and I 2S format. In addition, the device includes two control modes. One is hardware mode which can control mute and digital de-emphasis. The other one is software mode, where 4x9 bits internal control registers can be controlled by the serial setup port (SSP). Many functions such as 256 step attenuation, DAC mute, digital deemphasis and format conversions can be set up through these registers. and I 2S Format Delta-Sigma DAC built-in digital De-emphasis filter, 8X Interpolator, 64X Oversampling Multi-Bit Modulator Stereo DAC Output built-in Analog Low Pass Filter and Ouput Amplifier with 5K Load High Performance Audio Output: 100 dB SNR, 96 dB Dynamic Range and -90 dB THD+N typically Two Control Function Modes: Hardware Mode and Software Mode Selected by Mode Pin Software Mode controlled by 4x9 bits Registers via Serial Setup Port (SSP) Main Control Functions: De-emphasis, Mute, 256 Step Attenuation, Channel Output Combination, Input Format Select such as 16 or 18 Bit, I 2S or Normal 20 pin SSOP Package
Power Supply: from +2.7 to +5.25 Volt, typically +5 Volt, for Analog and Digital Power Sampling Clock Rate: 32 K, 44.1 K, and 48 K Hz Master Cloc……